Life comes as a package.......
Life comes as a package with ups and downs. We all love ‘the ups’ and most of the time we are able to handle the ‘downs’ on our own or with support from our loved ones, family and friends.
But there may be times when it’s too overwhelming and we are not able to tide through a ‘down’ or work around it on our own. And that’s a good time to get the help of a professional counsellor - be it a relationship concern with a family member, spouse, or child, a manager or a co-worker, or trying to work on your self confidence or assertiveness, maybe it’s grief over the loss of a loved one or trying to cope with some change in life.
A professional counsellor is trained to understand your concern in a non judgmental manner. She can help you get to know yourself better, explore alternative ways of handling a difficult situation along with you and guide you to find resolutions in a non threatening and safe counselling space.
Tara Kuruvilla
Practicing Psychological Counsellor
MA, MPhil (Psychology)
Counselling Certifications:
BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT) Level - 1
Associate Member - The Terence Watts BWRT Institute (Link)
Workplace Counselling Skills - 1to1help.net - October 2007
ACC - South Asia Accredited Counsellor Training - January 2004
Counselling Training - TMA Counselling Centre - June 1998
Hi and welcome to my website. As a quick introduction, I have 20 years of experience in the areas of family, parenting, marriage and workplace counselling. I have had the privilege of working with more than 2000 clients and have done over 6,500 hours of counselling. The eclectic approach of counselling I use helps cater to individual client needs.

Mental Health Concerns
Depression -
Stress Management
Communication & Conflict
management -
Anger management
Premarital Counselling
Marriage / Couple counselling
Other Family Relationships
Elder care & Caregiver Burnout
Work Stress
Workplace Relationships
Burnout at Work
Building Confidence
Overcoming Shyness
Assertiveness Skills
Basic Details for Booking

Counselling is a form of talk therapy where a trained counsellor helps the client find clarity about their concern, guide the client to work through their problem or reach their self-development goal, using their internal resources, strengths and qualities.
This is achieved through a therapeutic relationship built between the counsellor and the client, for which the counsellor uses skills like empathy, attentive listening, challenging, confrontation etc in an effective and appropriate manner. These in turn enable the client to focus on his/her thoughts, feelings, experiences and behaviour to facilitate positive change.
Counselling can be availed for current issues, immediate crisis* or more long-term difficulties. Depending on the nature of the problem, counselling may be short term or long term.
*Note: In case of crisis, please reach out to a hospital emergency unit for immediate assistance.
Advice giving
Getting emotionally involved with the client
Guiding the client to behave as the counsellor would behave, in a similar situation in life.
Looking at the client’s problems from the counsellor’s perspective, based on the counsellor’s value system or belief.
Many people find themselves doing informal counselling at some point in their life. However, there are several differences between informal and professional counselling.
Informal counselling done by a friend, colleague or relative, may use one or two counselling skills.
However, professional counsellors are trained to understand the psychology and theories of human behaviour, counselling skills, therapeutic interventions, professional ethics and boundaries. Professional counsellors also maintain confidentiality except in situations involving risk to life.
Professional counselling takes into consideration the socio-cultural context of the client and how these factors affect the presenting issues. This will include an awareness or assessment of cultural influences such as age, development, disability, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, gender etc.
There is respect for the client and their values, beliefs, their uniqueness and the client is given the choice to decide what they want.
And all of these aspects work together to enhance the wellbeing of the client